"Citrus" is a popular manga series written and illustrated by Saburouta. The story revolves around the lives of Yuzu Aihara and Mei Aihara, two step-sisters who find themselves entangled in a complex and forbidden love relationship. Yuzu Aihara, a fashionable and outgoing high school girl, is suddenly transferred to a strict all-girls school. There, she encounters Mei Aihara, the student council president, and her cold and distant stepmother. Despite their initial clashes, a deep attraction develops between them, leading to a passionate and tumultuous romance.
"Citrus" explores themes of love, self-discovery, and the complexities of relationships. The manga delves into the challenges the characters face as they navigate societal expectations, family dynamics, and their own conflicting emotions. It portrays the intimate journey of Yuzu and Mei as they struggle to understand their feelings and find acceptance in a world that often judges them. Saburouta's art style in "Citrus" is visually captivating, capturing the emotional intensity of the characters and their interactions. The manga offers a blend of drama, romance, and moments of tenderness, creating a compelling reading experience.
Author: Saburouta
Illustrator: Saburouta
Genres: Romance, Drama, Girl Love (GL)
Publication date: December 16, 2014
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