"Collectors" is a captivating Girl Love (GL) manga series written and illustrated by Nishi UKO. The story revolves around the lives of two women, Sakurako Kawawa and Ichinoi Nagisa, who are brought together by their shared passion for collecting various items. Sakurako is an introverted and socially awkward girl who finds solace in collecting dolls. Ichinoi, on the other hand, is an outgoing and cheerful woman who has a deep love for antiques. As the two women spend time together, their friendship grows, and they discover a mutual attraction.
"Collectors" explores themes of self-discovery, personal connections, and the power of shared interests. The manga delves into the characters' journeys of finding acceptance and understanding, both within themselves and in their relationship with each other. Nishi UKO's art style in "Collectors" is distinctive and expressive, capturing the emotions and intricacies of the characters' experiences. The manga offers a heartfelt portrayal of the connections forged through collecting and the emotional depth that can arise from shared passions.
Author: Nishi UKO
Illustrator: Nishi UKO
Genres: Romance, Drama, Girl Love (GL)
Publication date: November 30, 2012
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