Girl Friends
"Girl Friends" is a popular Girl Love (GL) manga written and illustrated by Milk Morinaga. The story follows the life of Mari Kumakura, a quiet and introverted high school student who finds herself drawn to the outgoing and popular Akko Oohashi. When Mari becomes friends with Akko, her world begins to change. As their friendship deepens, Mari starts experiencing new emotions and desires she never knew existed. As they navigate the complexities of their feelings, the two girls explore the boundaries of friendship and love, discovering more about themselves and each other along the way.
"Girl Friends" beautifully captures the ups and downs of adolescence, the exploration of one's sexuality, and the challenges of coming to terms with one's true feelings. The manga delves into themes of self-discovery, acceptance, and the importance of genuine connections. Milk Morinaga's art style in "Girl Friends" is delicate and expressive, capturing the emotions of the characters and bringing their experiences to life. The manga offers a heartfelt and relatable portrayal of the journey towards self-acceptance and the complexities of young love.
Author: Milk Morinaga
Illustrator: Milk Morinaga
Genres: Romance, Drama, Girl Love (GL)
Publication date: October 2, 2012
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