Cloud & DevOps: Continuous Transformation by MIT

Cloud Computing is a paradigm change in the twenty-first century, ushering in increasingly advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and Machine Learning. Companies have become increasingly reliant on massive amounts of data, and the demand for security and speed is expanding at an exponential rate. When the infrastructure that supports technology undergoes a fundamental structural shift, understanding the impacts of this transformation is critical in order to make strategic and informed decisions.

MIT Professional Education is pleased to announce the availability of this hands-on course that will explain the massive technological shift that has occurred in recent years. Content and activities are intended to help participants become a part of this change by utilizing technologies such as DevOps and Cloud Computing. You will learn about the growing impact that the growth of these technologies is having on the many economic sectors and the way we do business through real-life practical case studies and examples. This online course not only delivers a first-rate professional certification from one of the world's most prestigious technology schools, but also the opportunity to delve deeper into the fascinating new possibilities that Cloud Computing offers for your organization.

Curriculum components: The curriculum for this course includes:

  • The rise of the internet, mobile, IoT, and the cloud
  • Web computing and open-source software
  • Containers and keys, with a focus on Docker and serverless computing
  • Introduction to DevOps, agile development, and DevOps implementation
  • Case studies from Microsoft, General Electric, Netflix, and AWS

Location and duration: The course is entirely online and takes approximately eight weeks to complete.
Course fees: This course costs $2,900.
Ideal for: This course is ideal for technical professionals, CXOs, managers, and professionals who want to understand the benefits of DevOps.

Google rating: N/a
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