DevOps Professional Certification by the DevOps University

Edureka collaborated with Purdue to develop this Professional Certificate Program in DevOps. Purdue University is a premier public research university dedicated to providing practical solutions to today's most difficult challenges. Each of the last four years, U.S. News & World Report has named it one of the top ten most innovative universities in the country. According to U.S. News & World Report, Purdue University conducts world-changing research and discoveries. Purdue University provides a transformative education to all students, led by some of the world's best professors, with the goal of empowering students to change the world. The DevOps Professional Certification confirms that learners can build software in real-world circumstances using DevOps. It is available to both individuals and businesses.

This certification provides good instruction on DevOps tools and how to use them to achieve better business results. Automation, containerization, artifactory, command-line usage, cloud infrastructure deployment, quality assurance, and other topics will be covered. Those with some DevOps experience will benefit the most from this training.

Curriculum components: The curriculum for this course includes:

  • DevOps methodologies and the core concepts behind CI/CD
  • Version management of all artifacts and source code using Git
  • Test automation of web elements through Selenium’s suite of tools
  • Continuous monitoring using Nagios, Grafana, and Prometheus
  • Configuration management tools such as Puppet and Chef

Location and duration: The certification examination takes place online. Students can either attend DevOps University workshops to prepare or study independently. The examination takes 45 minutes to complete.
Course fees: The certification examination costs $95.
Ideal for: This course is ideal for professionals in technical roles like software developers, testers, engineers, solution architects, and integration specialists.

Google rating: 4.9/5.0
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