DevOps Leader by the DevOps Institute

The DevOps Leader training is a one-of-a-kind and practical experience for participants who wish to embrace a transformational leadership approach and create an impact inside their organization through DevOps implementation. Leading people through the DevOps development necessitates the acquisition of new skills, tools, inventive thinking, and transformative leadership. To break down divisions and evolve the organization, leaders at all levels must coordinate and collaborate.

Through the use of real-life scenarios and case studies, the course emphasizes the human aspects of culture change and educates learners with techniques, methods, and resources for engaging individuals across the DevOps spectrum. After completing the course, learners will have tangible takeaways to use in the workplace, such as understanding Value Stream Mapping.

The course was designed to explain the fundamental differences and emerging practices for DevOps ways of working through leadership in a fast-paced DevOps and Agile environment by leveraging important DevOps leadership sources to extract real-life best practices in leading DevOps efforts. This certification prepares students to take and pass the DevOps Leader exam.

Curriculum components: The curriculum for this course includes:

Differences between DevOps IT and traditional IT
DevOps mindset and mental models
Ideas for organizing workflows and preparing investment cases
Target operating models and organizational design
Performance management, rewards, and motivation

Location and duration: The certification examination is entirely online, but learners can purchase instructor-led learning tracks to prepare. The duration of the examination is 60 minutes.
Course fees: The certification examination costs $245 in the U.S.
Ideal for: This course is ideal for anyone interested in modern IT leadership.
Google rating: 4.6/5.0
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