Communication Style
Mauritanians are straightforward communicators, especially when discussing what they want. This may appear weird to a visitor because the expressions "please" and "thank you" are not commonly heard in everyday speech. It is an element of cultural hospitality.
It is the person's job to provide hospitality to visitors in their home so that guests do not have to do anything for themselves. Mauritanians will not criticize you for getting up and doing something, such as obtaining water for yourself, unless you become a member of the family or a very close friend. This is expressed in the vocabulary, with many people saying "Give me the water" or "Hand me the water." "Please" is never used, although this is not considered rude. People will just demand things because it is expected, knowing that when the position is reversed, they will provide the same hospitality to guests in their home. Keep reading to discover more Mauritanian culture, customs and etiquette.