Greetings Etiquette
The handshake is the most popular way of greeting among men, albeit the hands are usually clasped and held rather than shaken up and down. It is not uncommon for one guy to grasp the other man's hand between both his throughout the duration of the greeting.
Handshakes are the most popular style of greeting among women, although they are usually gripped and held rather than shaken up and down. Some women will kiss on both cheeks, and close friends and family members may embrace twice, once on each side.
When men greet women, a verbal greeting or nod of acknowledgment is generally the norm. When greeting Maur women, foreign males should wait for the woman to extend her hand. Most women will refuse to shake the hand of a foreign man. Men and women will shake hands while meeting members of the same sex in some instances, such as when greeting a mixed group, but when greeting members of the opposing sex, they will place their right hand in the middle of their chest.
The greetings may be in Hassaniya, Pulaar, Sonnike, or Woloof, but the feelings would be the same. Also, the same answer applies to the majority of the questions. "Peace only," "Machallah-or As God has willed," "Thank you, God," and so on. When you listen, you will notice that people do not always react to the questions they are asked, but instead respond with their own greetings.
The purpose of greetings, like in many Western cultures, is not to obtain information. When you ask, "How are you?" you usually get the response, "I'm OK," because the greeting is politeness. It is the same in Mauritania; it just takes a little longer. During the greeting, questions are frequently repeated numerous times. This is not regarded as unusual. Greetings will last longer between people who haven't seen each other in a long time or between close friends.