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Computer Networking by Georgia Tech (Udacity)

If you know the fundamentals of computer networking and want to take a systematic dive into advanced subjects, this intermediate-level course on Udacity is for you. It will familiarize you with concepts such as Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Content Distribution. This online computer networking course will be taught by Udacity educators such as Nick Feamster, Neubauer Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chicago, and Joshua Valdez, a full-stack software engineer at Gem.

In the three months it will take you to finish this intermediate-level course, you will learn about network design principles, implementation, and objectives; several routing algorithms such as distance vector and link-state; controlling resources and distributing content; dealing with SDNs; and much more. You can take this course on Udacity for free and study at your own speed while learning from industry professionals and taking interactive quizzes!

The class is broken into three sections:

  1. It discusses the implementation, design concepts, and objectives of a computer network, as well as the different routing algorithms utilized in CN (such as link-state and distance vector).
  2. It discusses resource management and content delivery in networking applications. It addresses traffic shaping and congestion control.
  3. It focuses on computer network operations and administration, including SDNs (Software Defined Networks), traffic

    • Intermediate level
    • Approximately 3 months to complete
    • Taught by experienced Udacity instructors.
    • Free enrollment
    • Self-paced learning

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