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Computer Networks Security from Scratch to Advanced (Udemy)

This beginner-level training will point you in the correct path if you are worried about the security of computer networks in a company. It has been taken by over 69,000 students and will allow you to add the important expertise of security administration to your CV and maybe further your career. Mohammad Adly, who has a Ph.D. in Computer Networks from Menoufiya University and several research articles in prestigious IT journals, will be your instructor for this online computer networking course. Mohammad also has a 4.2-star rating on Udemy, where he is one of 93,000+ students.

This 8-hour course will teach you all you need to know about IT security, including TCP/IP protocol suite, network security essentials, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS), physical security, incident response, firewalls and honeypots, and much more! Students may take advantage of a limited-time 84 percent discount on this course, as well as a certificate of accomplishment at the conclusion!

  • Beginner level
  • 8 hours long
  • Taught by Computer Networks Ph.D.
  • Limited-time 84% discount
  • Certificate of completion
  • Full lifetime access

Udemy ratings: 4.6/5

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