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Introduction to Computer Networks for Non-Techies (Udemy)

The first course on the list is an Udemy best-seller that is ideal for folks who have no prior experience of computer networks and wish to learn the fundamentals. This course, which has over 24,000 students enrolled and a rating of 4.5 stars, may help you establish a career in IT. Alton Hardin, an IT expert with a Master's degree in IT Network Management and multiple other IT-related certifications such as the CISSP and ITIL, will be your lecturer for this online session. So you'll be in good hands.

In this 14-hour beginner-level course, you will study topologies, IP addressing and subnetting, wireless networking, network security, network planning and design, switches, routers, OSI, and TCP/IP models, to mention a few. Udemy is currently offering complete lifetime access to this course at an 80 percent discount, including with a certificate of completion! There are 138 downloadable materials as well! Overall, this is one of the greatest online cources to learn about computer networking available!

  • Beginner level
  • 14 ½ hours long
  • Taught by highly-rated IT professional
  • Full lifetime access
  • Limited-time discount of 80%
  • Certificate of completion

Udemy ratings: 4.7/5

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