Detective Conan
Detective Conan (名探偵 コな n), also known as Case Closed, is a popular ongoing detective animation, the original manga published on Weekly Shonen Sunday since 1994. Detective Conan is a Japanese detective manga series written and illustrated by Gosho Aoyama. Due to legal problems with the name Detective Conan, the English language releases from Funimation and Viz were renamed to Case Closed.
The cases of a detective whose physical age was chemically reversed to that of a prepubescent boy but must hide his true mental development. Shinichi Kudo, a seventeen-year-old master detective, had it all. He could solve any case brought to his attention and in record time. New animated films are regularly released on the big screen. Detective Conan is a mysterious anime that both adults and children can enjoy.
Air Dates: from 1996
Genre: Mystery
Recommended for Beginners