Pokémon (ポケモン) is one of the most popular Japanese anime and games worldwide today and was first introduced in Japan in 1997 under the Japanese title Pocket Monsters. New titles aired every time a new game was released. The last series following Sun & Moon, which aired in 2019. The young boy Satoshi travels the world with various Pokémon such as Pikachu to become a Pokémon Master.
Pokémon franchise includes the world's top-selling toy brand, an anime film series, a live-action film (Detective Pikachu), books, manga comics, music, merchandise, and a temporary theme park.
This is based on the popular Game Boy game "Pocket Monsters" in which children raise a pocket monster and train it to fight other monsters. In this show, Satoshi and his Pokemon, Pikachu, travel the land hoping to improve their skills and eventually become the grand champions. Along the way, they get into various adventures, usually involving fellow Pokemon, Nyath and his trainers, Musashi and Kojiro.
Air Dates: from 1997
Genre: Kids, Family, Adventure
Recommended for Beginners