Detective Conan (Case Closed)

Shinichi Kudo is followed as he helps police with their cases in Detective Conan, commonly known as Case Closed, one of the most popular television shows of all time.

The criminal organization known as the Black Organization attempts to murder him to get him out of the way. Still, they employ a risky experimental medicine that transforms him into a child instead.

He adopts the alias Conan Edogawa and keeps helping the police by residing with a friend whose father is a detective. When the detective needs to learn who committed the crime and how they did it, Edogawa then changes his voice and sedates him.

Despite numerous spinoffs, Detective Conan is still one of Japan's most-watched television series of all time. The Japanese government even used the series to promote crime prevention.

MAL Rated 8.25

Ranked #245

Aired Winter 1996

Produced by TMS Entertainment

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