
Dr. Kazou Tenma, a neurosurgeon, was performing surgery on an immigrant worker when he received a call to transfer patients.

When the previous patient he was working on died, the switch, which earned him a favorable opinion among his colleagues, made him feel a lot of remorse and touched into his moral choices and conscience.

When a similar situation arose, he opted to save the life of a small kid rather than the mayor of the town. However, even when it appears that he has made the correct decision, his history will haunt him.

In this anime, he will confront the monster of a person he once saved and must do everything in his power to rectify the wrongs of what he once felt was right, attacking moral and philosophical foundations of humanity... but also the psychological component of it.

It is written with zeal and delves into the limits of a person's moral code and morals within himself.

This is not an easy watch, so if you start it, you better belt up.

MAL Rated 8.74

Ranked #34

Aired Spring 2004

Produced by Madhouse

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