
Gosick, a stylized gothic, centers on a brilliant girl and her detective brother and is set in a hypothetical European nation in the early 1900s. He uses her insightful reasoning to unravel mysteries that at first appear insurmountable.

The intelligent Victorique de Blois becomes connected with Kazuya Kujo, a Japanese exchange student who falls short of her abilities.

The melancholy European landscape is characterized by a mysterious and opulent atmosphere, with a strong emphasis on dark and ominous hues. Gosick delivers on the desire of the majority of detective-themed anime viewers for a complex plot.

MAL Rated 8.24

Ranked #257

Aired Winter 2011

Produced by Bones

Watch here: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GYG5GW91Y/gosick

Screenshot of https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GYG5GW91Y/gosick
Screenshot of https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GYG5GW91Y/gosick

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