Dior is a luxury fashion and cosmetics brand that carries various expensive goods and services in various categories. The product range of the company encompasses men's and women's clothing, as well as leather goods, jewelry, watches, and other accessories, as well as fragrances.
Dior is a subsidiary of LVMH, one of the leading luxury goods corporations in the world. This affiliation contributes to Dior's strong financial performance. Dior's major contributions to LVMH's financial performance in 2020 were reflected in the company's announced revenue of €44.7 billion and a net profit of €4.7 billion.
Dior is widely considered one of the world's most iconic and important fashion companies, with a reputation for originality, elegance, and sophistication. The brand was founded by Christian Dior in 1946 and is headquartered in Paris, France. As a result of the brand's association with high fashion, exclusiveness, and luxury, it is frequently regarded as a status symbol for wealthy and stylish people. Dior has been lauded for its dedication to craftsmanship and quality, and its products are frequently lauded for their enduring beauty and refined sophistication. In general, Dior's reputation and brand image continue to be strong, and the company continues to be a prominent player in the fashion and luxury sectors worldwide.
Founded: 1946
Headquarters: Paris, France
Website: https://dior.com