"Doukyuusei" is a popular BL (Boys' Love) manga series created by Asumiko Nakamura. It was originally serialized in the magazine Opera from 2006 to 2007. The manga has also been adapted into an animated film and a series of drama CDs. The story of "Doukyuusei" revolves around the relationship between two high school students, Hikaru Kusakabe and Rihito Sajou. Kusakabe is an outgoing and musically talented student, while Sajou is a studious and reserved student who excels academically. Despite their differences, the two boys find themselves drawn to each other and develop a deep and intimate bond.
"Doukyuusei" is known for its gentle and heartwarming depiction of first love. It explores the challenges and joys of discovering and accepting one's feelings for another person, as well as the complexities of navigating a same-sex relationship in a high school setting. The story beautifully captures the emotions, insecurities, and growth experienced by the characters as they explore their budding romance.
The manga is praised for its delicate artwork, nuanced storytelling, and its ability to portray the emotional depth of its characters. It has resonated with readers for its realistic portrayal of teenage love and the universal themes of self-discovery and acceptance.
Genre: BL, romance
Original run: June 2006 –present
Volumes: 9
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