Junjo Romantica
"Junjo Romantica" is a popular BL (Boys' Love) manga series created by Shungiku Nakamura. The series has also been adapted into multiple anime seasons and OVAs. The story of "Junjo Romantica" follows the intertwining relationships of several couples. The main couple in the series is Misaki Takahashi, a young and innocent college student, and Akihiko Usami, a famous and accomplished writer. Misaki becomes Usami's live-in tutor, and, over time, their relationship evolves into a romantic one.
The manga explores their journey as they navigate the challenges of their age difference, Misaki's initial resistance to same-sex relationships, and their growing feelings for each other. Alongside Misaki and Usami's story, "Junjo Romantica" also features two other couples: Hiroki Kamijou and Nowaki Kusama, as well as Miyagi Yoh and Shinobu Takatsuki. Each couple's storylines are interconnected, showcasing different aspects of love, relationships, and personal growth.
"Junjo Romantica" is known for its comedic and romantic elements, capturing the ups and downs of couples' relationships. It combines light-hearted moments with emotional depth, exploring themes of love, trust, and acceptance. The series has gained a significant following for its engaging characters, entertaining plotlines, and ability to tug at readers' heartstrings.
To enjoy "Junjo Romantica," you can read the manga by finding the individual volumes or collected editions online through various retailers or in local bookstores that specialize in BL manga. The anime adaptation can be watched through various streaming platforms or obtained through physical releases.
Author: Shungiku Nakamura
Genre: Boys Love
Original run: April 30, 2002 – present
Volumes: 28
Buy here: https://www.amazon.com/JUNJO-ROMANTICA-Yaoi-Shungiku-Nakamura/dp/1598167197
Read here: https://www.novelcool.com/chapter/Chapter-0/2649412/