Escape Journey
"Escape Journey" is a captivating BL (Boys' Love) manga series created by Ogeretsu Tanaka. The English version of the manga has been published by SuBLime Manga. The story of "Escape Journey" revolves around Naoto and Taichi, two former high school classmates who reunite by chance during their college years. Naoto, who harbored unrequited feelings for Taichi in the past, discovers that his childhood crush is now in a committed relationship with another man. Despite this, Naoto finds himself unable to let go of his feelings and decides to pursue Taichi once again.
As Naoto and Taichi navigate their complicated emotions and the boundaries of their friendship, the manga explores themes of unrequited love, personal growth, and the complexities of relationships. It delves into the challenges faced by the characters as they grapple with their desires, reconcile with their pasts, and strive to find happiness.
"Escape Journey" is known for its realistic portrayal of characters and their emotional journeys. It offers a mix of drama, romance, and introspection, creating a compelling narrative that resonates with readers. The manga delves into the complexities of human emotions and the choices we make in matters of the heart.
Author: Ogeretsu Tanaka
Genre: Romance, Yaoi
Original run: 2013–2017
Volumes: 6
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