Doupo Cangqiong - Battle Through the Heavens
"Doupo Cangqiong," also known as "Battle Through the Heavens," is a Chinese anime adaptation of a popular web novel written by Tian Can Tu Dou. This film explores themes of determination, perseverance, friendship, and the pursuit of greatness. It delves into the complexities of martial arts, magic cultivation, and the intricate relationships between characters within the story.
The story follows the adventures of the main character, Xiao Yan, a talented young martial artist. However, his family's glory was lost, and he became an outcast due to the sudden decline in his martial talent. Xiao Yan's life takes a dramatic turn when he discovers a hidden secret book that contains the knowledge of an ancient and powerful martial art technique known as the "Dou Qi" technique. With the help of this newfound knowledge, he embarks on a journey to reclaim his family's honor and strength. Along the way, he encounters various challenges, formidable opponents, and uncovers dark secrets about his family's past.
The anime focuses on Xiao Yan's growth as a martial artist, his quest for strength, and his determination to protect his loved ones. He forms alliances, faces powerful enemies, and explores a world filled with magical beasts, mystical artifacts, and complex rivalries.
Directed by: Liang Qi
Air Dates: January 1, 2017
IMDb Rating: 8.6