Ni Tian Zhizun - Against The Sky Supreme
"Ni Tian Zhizun," also known as "Against the Sky Supreme," is a popular Chinese anime adaptation of the web novel "Tian Can Tu Dou" written by Heavenly Silkworm Potato. The world of this anime is a fantasy world where martial arts and cultivation are highly esteemed. It follows the journey of the main character, Lin Dong, who seeks to become a powerful martial artist and protect his loved ones. Lin Dong's life takes a dramatic turn when he discovers a mysterious talisman that grants him incredible strength. With this newfound power, he embarks on an adventure filled with battles, challenges, and the pursuit of greatness.
"Ni Tian Zhizun" is known for its intense and visually stunning martial arts battles. The anime features a wide range of martial techniques and abilities, making each fight a spectacle for fans of action-packed sequences. The series features a diverse cast of characters, each with their own motivations and strengths. Lin Dong's character development and interactions with other martial artists are central to the story's progression.
The anime has received praise for its animation quality, character designs, and attention to detail in depicting the martial arts world. "Ni Tian Zhizun" has gained popularity both in China and internationally. It has a dedicated fanbase and has contributed to the growing popularity of Chinese anime in the global anime community.
Directed by: Jin Xing
Air Dates: March 17, 2011
IMDb Rating: 8.7