
As you'll discover shortly, draniki is a simple potato pancake that's extremely similar to a Jewish latke. This isn't a coincidence by any means, as both dishes are based on Jewish customs.
To begin, a little about the name draniki. There is an old Russian verb called drat, which roughly translates to "to grate." The word's meaning has since altered to something more like to "to flog," but draniki had already been given a name before that. Draniki was able to escape the Soviet era and exist as a relic of older Belarusian cuisine in part due to its ease of preparation (as we'll discover shortly). It is now considered a national delicacy in Belarus.
Draniki (potato pancakes) is the most common and popular dish in Belarusian cuisine. Grated potatoes and onions are the key ingredients in Draniki, but other recipes also contain beef, bacon, mushrooms, and cheese. Sour cream is usually served with them. Most Belarusian restaurants, as well as many fast food booths, serve draniki.