DreamWorks Animation
DreamWorks Animation was established in 1994 and has headquarters in Glendale, California. DreamWorks Animation (commonly called "DreamWorks") is an American animation studio that makes animated movies and television shows. DreamWorks Animation is a subsidiary of Universal Pictures, which is part of NBCUniversal.
Since its debut, DreamWorks Animation has released many feature films, including several of the top-grossing animated films of all time. The highest was Shrek 2 (2004), at the time of its release. DreamWorks Animation films have won 22 Emmys, several Annie Awards, three Academy Awards, and numerous BAFTA and other Golden Globe nominations for their successful work. Some of the best movies by DreamWorks Animation are Kung Fu Panda, How to Train Your Dragon, Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit,... and so on.
Headquarters: Glendale, California, USA
Year founded: 1994
Website: dreamworks.com
Top movies: How to Train Your Dragon, Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, Madagascar, The Croods, Home, Kung Fu Panda, Chicken Run,…