Eggs or Hemp seeds
Leucine is found in one extra-large egg (approximately 56 grams). Eggs are also high in protein, B vitamins, phosphorus, selenium, and choline, which are necessary for cellular and brain function. In addition, eggs contain carotenoids lutein, and zeaxanthin. These vibrant chemicals have antioxidant qualities that enhance your vision. Boiled eggs are excellent high-protein pocket snacks. Eggs can also be cooked into a morning scramble or used in baked products such as bread, muffins, and waffles.
These seeds are also high in protein, fiber, manganese, vitamin E, and anti-inflammatory unsaturated fatty acids. Furthermore, animal and human research indicate that hemp seeds and hemp-seed-based supplements may help with arthritic symptoms as well as digestive and cardiac health. Hemp seeds are small and adaptable, with a mild, earthy taste. They may be sprinkled on salads and spaghetti, mixed into smoothies, or eaten with ice cream or other sweets.