For those who appreciate bags with a little rawness, go no further than the newly founded brand EMOTIONAL WORLD. The label sells bags made with traditional Japanese techniques such as SASHIKO embroidery, which is a type of needlework that uses little threads to create a design.
You'll notice that all of the accessories have a deconstructed appearance; nevertheless, just because the shoulder bags and satchels look like they've been disassembled and then reassembled doesn't mean the design wasn't done with care.
According to EMOTIONAL WORLD's Instagram account, each order takes around a month to complete due to the precision and attention required to manufacture a bag. The items are made from a variety of textiles, including natural plant-dyed material and historical army clothing/suede.
Founded: 2019 by by Log and Young
Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan
Website: https://emotionalworldvintage.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emotionalworldvintage/ (9,511 followers)