Englisch Hilfen
This German website is available in two languages: German and English. Englisch Hilfen provides everything an English student may ever need. It provides excellent grammar explanations and activities, and everything is available for free. Simply select a topic from the list on the left side of the screen to begin studying. When you select a topic, you will be taken to a page that contains all of the available links connected to that topic. The various links are typically organized according to how the material should be learned or by increasing complexity.
This website has a wealth of information about the English language. You can learn English vocabulary, practice grammar, review some fundamental concepts, study for examinations, take tests, or simply have fun playing games. Take advantage of over 1,000 online exercises. Basic grammar rules can be found in their Grammar section. In their Vocabulary area, they offer vocabulary lists, useful words and sentences, idioms, example letters, and information about English-speaking countries. You'll find links to the exercises on that topic at the bottom of the list of grammar links. The website is incredibly user-friendly and simple to navigate. Worksheets for students and instructional ideas for English as a second language teachers are available for download. Levels is where you'll find the exercises you've chosen. A four-digit Task Number identifies each workout.
Website: englisch-hilfen.de/en/