Evening Shadows
Released in 2018, Evening Shadows is an Indian drama film in Hindi directed by Sridhar Rangayan. The cast includes Mona Ambegaonkar, Ananth Narayan Mahadevan, Devansh Doshi, Arpit Chaudhary, Yamini Singh, Abhay Kulkarni, Veena Nair, Kala Ramnathan, Disha Thakur, Sushant Divgikar, and Faredoon Bhujwala. The narrative revolves around Kartik, a young gay man, who discloses his sexual orientation to his mother Vasudha. Set in a conservative small town in Southern India, the film explores the challenges they confront amidst traditional values and societal norms. Praised for its vivid portrayal, Evening Shadows is celebrated for presenting a coming-out story that is both emotionally warm and intricately complex.
This film delicately unfolds the narrative of a mother-son relationship, navigating through the trials of time, distance, and truths. Offering a universal tale of emotional resilience, it delves into the strength of the bond between a mother and son in the face of life's harsh realities. For those who appreciate quality cinema and seek a moving and thought-provoking narrative, Evening Shadows is a compelling must-watch.
- Release date March 1, 2018
- Produced by: Solaris Pictures
- Genres: Drama
- Director: Sridhar Rangayan
- Stars: Mona Ambegaonkar, Anant Mahadevan, Devansh Doshi, Arpit Chaudhary
- IMDb Rating: 7.2/10
- Watch here: https://www.justwatch.com/uk/movie/evening-shadows