Sisak, directed by Faraz Arif Ansari, is hailed as India's inaugural silent LGBTQ love story. Starring Jitin Gulati and Dhruv Singhal, the film unfolds the tale of two men who forge an unspoken bond after encountering each other on a Mumbai local train. Garnering acclaim, the film has secured 59 international awards across various film festivals.
This cinematic creation serves as a poignant exploration of the challenges confronted by the LGBTQ community in India. The film's deliberate lack of dialogue enhances its emotional resonance, delivering a distinctive and stirring viewing experience. Its sensitive portrayal of characters and its ability to convey a compelling message without verbal communication have earned commendation.
In essence, Sisak emerges as a beautiful and powerful film, shedding light on the significance of love and acceptance in a world often adversarial to diversity. A must-see for enthusiasts of quality cinema, it offers a narrative that is both emotionally moving and intellectually stimulating.
- Release date: 2017
- Produced by: Faraz Arif Ansari
- Genres: Short, Drama, Romance
- Director: Faraz Arif Ansari
- Stars: Jitin Gulati, Dhruv Singhal
- IMDb Rating: 8.3/10
- Watch here: