Loev, a 2015 Indian romantic drama directed by Sudhanshu Saria, features Dhruv Ganesh, Siddharth Menon, and Shiv Panditt in leading roles. The plot follows Jai and Sahil, two friends on a weekend excursion to the hills and canyons of Maharashtra, undergoing an emotional journey that prompts them to contemplate the essence of love. The film is lauded for its immersive and close-up depiction of the intricacies between two individuals struggling to connect, all within the backdrop of a road trip.
Produced independently by Faraz Arif Ansari, Loev hit screens in 2015, boasting a runtime of 92 minutes and falling under the genres of drama and romance. The film, recognized for its excellence, clinched two awards and earned seven nominations across various film festivals.
In essence, Loev unfolds as a touching exploration of the intricacies in contemporary relationships. A visually stunning and intellectually stimulating cinematic piece, it underscores the significance of love and acceptance in a world that often exhibits hostility towards those who deviate from the norm. For enthusiasts of quality cinema seeking a narrative that is both emotionally stirring and thought-provoking, Loev is a must-watch.
- Release date: 2015
- Produced by: Faraz Arif Ansari
- Genres: Drama, Romance
- Director: Sudhanshu Saria
- Stars: Dhruv Ganesh, Siddharth Menon, Shiv Panditt
- IMDb Rating: 5.9/10
- Watch here: https://www.justwatch.com/uk/movie/loev