Federal Police of Germany
The Federal Police of Germany is an exceptionally well-trained policing system that allows for the control of its units, which cover 16 states, with the support of two additional Federal Law Enforcement Agencies to act as secondary assistance in more serious situations where crime has reached shattering levels. Each unit has its own allocated task force, area of responsibility and area of specialization. Despite having so many policemen on duty, the employment of more than 40000 highly qualified, committed, and professional police officers within their separate agencies protect the general safety of Germans. Unlike various police legislation in other countries, duties are sometimes performed without the need for specific approval from superiors.
German Police University, a specially constructed university, is the official and recognized location where all new police recruits will go through extensive study and educational training before beginning physical on-the-field training. The same legal information will be imparted to all successful candidates, serving as a standard educational program for all incoming police officers. The Federal Police have improved significantly and become more autonomous. Since the time of the Holocaust, the Nazis have also greatly influenced the developments that have occurred.