Phoebe Waller-Fleabag Bridge is a British comedy-drama television series based on her one-woman show, which she first performed in 2013. It was created by Two Brothers Pictures in collaboration with Amazon Studios for the digital channel BBC Three. Waller-Bridge plays the title character, a free-spirited and sexually active young woman in London who is also angry and confused. Sian Clifford also appears in the series, and Andrew Scott joined the cast in the second season.
A hilarious show about a young woman who attempts to deal with life's misfortunes through sardonic debauchery and witty hedonism. Fleabag is written, created, and starred by Phoebe Waller-Bridge, and is based on a one-woman play written by Waller-Bridge in 2013. By making the viewer the protagonist's best friend, the show can connect with the audience. Waller-Bridge defies the fourth wall by having the main character in the show acknowledge and address the audience directly. Except, Waller-Bridge takes it further in the second season and uses this very metafictional device as a way to explain her character's alienation and possible mental health issues. It's a brilliant, heartbreaking, and hilariously profane series.
Detailed information:
Genre: Comedy-drama, Black comedy, Cringe comedy
Created by: Phoebe Waller-Bridge
Link to watch: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5687612