Mr. Bean
This British sitcom, starring Rowan Atkinson as Mr. Bean, has been a long-time favorite among comedy fans. The show revolves around a childish protagonist who, due to his simplistic nature, tends to make unusual and unnecessary difficult scenarios out of simple everyday tasks. The simplicity of the sitcom contributes to Mr. Bean's popularity. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Atkinson describes the show as "broad, simple", with "accessible stuff". Mr. Bean's daily life brings much-needed laughter to the viewer's life.
Despite the lack of dialogue, the show became extremely popular around the world, with Rowan Atkinson being named the seventh most recognizable face in the world. In an interview with Graham Norton, Atkinson recalls having to persuade a fan that he was, in fact, Mr. Bean. Rowan Atkinson recently admitted that playing Mr. Bean is stressful and exhausting, and as a result, his next Mr. Bean film will be an animated feature.
Detailed information:
Genre: Sitcom
Created by: Rowan Atkinson, Richard Curtis
Link to watch: