Florence Lawrence
Daughter of inventor Charlotte Bridgwood, silent cinema star Florence Lawrence was also an actress. Florence, known as "The First Movie Star" to appear on film, had a dazzling career as a leading lady in approximately 300 movies. Less well recognized is the fact that she also invented the first turn signal for automobiles. She started focusing on autos throughout these prosperous years. Florence had always been a devoted vehicle enthusiast, and at the time, driving had come to represent women's independence. Florence may frequently be seen fiddling and studying an automobile's engine under the hood.
She undoubtedly tried her hand at making repairs and creating answers to everyday issues. Florence was aware of how perilous the roads might be, particularly for pedestrians who had no idea which way a car may be turning. The first turn signal, which she called a "auto-signalling arm", was created as a result of her efforts. It consisted of two manually operated flags on the back bumper of the automobile that were managed by push buttons. Next on her list was a "stop" sign. Florence dreamed up a warning placard that could be attached to the rear of an automobile and would flip over if the driver applied the brakes. This would give other cars plenty of time to stop behind and avoid accidents.
Lawrence was the one who created the brake light. Sadly, she never considered how profitable her inventions might be, and she didn't patent either one. However, Lawrence was so far ahead of her time that turn signal and brake light issues weren't even brought up until much later.