Florida Rural Legal Services
Florida Rural Legal Services (FRLS) is a group that helps folks in rural areas of Florida with legal issues. FRLS provides different kinds of legal help for people in rural places. They assist with housing problems, jobs, family law, and public benefits.
They mainly focus on helping those who live in areas where it's hard to get legal assistance, like because of where they are or because they don't have a lot of money. Regarding housing, FRLS can help with issues like getting kicked out, problems with landlords, or bad living conditions, which can be challenging to find in rural areas.
They also make sure to look out for the rights of people who work in agriculture, dealing with problems related to work rights, pay, and conditions in farming. If you need help with public benefits or social services, FRLS is there to ensure people in rural areas get the help they should. To inform people in rural communities about their legal rights, FRLS holds workshops and distributes information to the public.
Like many other groups providing legal help, FRLS works with lawyers who volunteer their time for free to ensure folks in rural areas get the legal support they need. They might also set up legal clinics in rural communities, allowing people to meet with lawyers and get advice in a more accessible setting.
Official website: https://www.frls.org/