Fnjoska River

Fnjóská ('The River of Dry Wood') is Iceland's eighth-largest river, stretching for 117 kilometers. It is located about 10 kilometers east of Akureyri, running down the Fnjóskardalur valley, which runs parallel to Eyjafjörur. The river's course runs through Vaglaskógur, Iceland's second-largest forest (300 acres), only adding to the river's splendor. Icelanders are also familiar with the river's estuaries, which are noted for their scenic beauty and chirping birdlife.

Fnjóská is a fast-flowing, rocky river that demands anglers to wade up to their waist in order to find the ideal fishing area. Because the river is quite cold, Atlantic Salmon can be difficult to find, but Arctic Char, weighing between 2 and 10 pounds, are abundant. Once again, this is the type of river where a double-handed rod is ideal. For all of these reasons, this river is regarded as one of the greatest in Iceland for fly fishing.

Length: 117 km (73 mi)


Top 8 Longest Rivers In Iceland

  1. top 1 Thjorsa River
  2. top 2 Jokulsa a Fjollum
  3. top 3 Skjalfandafljot River
  4. top 4 Jokulsa a Dal
  5. top 5 Blanda River
  6. top 6 Fnjoska River
  7. top 7 Kudafljot River
  8. top 8 Hvita River

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