Jokulsa a Dal

Jökulsá á Dal ('Glacial River of the Vale') is a 150-kilometer-long river in Iceland's northeastern area. This river, also known as Jökulsá á Br or Jökla, is well recognized in Iceland due to its history and energy use.

It is not possible to ford the river due to its raging currents. The first bridge across the Jökulsá á Dal was built in 1625. The Route 1 bridge was built in 1994, however the original bridge can still be seen downstream. Another photograph by Frederick W.W. Howell, shown below, depicts a rope bridge built over the river. The river has been at the center of national polarization and controversy in recent years due to the development of the Kárahnjkar Hydropower Plant, Europe's largest of its kind.

Environmentalists are in one camp, and they have rightly claimed that the plant will not only severely harm the untouched eastern ecosystem, but will also be indicative of persistent attempts to sell the country to heavy industry.

Length: 150 km (93 mi)

Top 8 Longest Rivers In Iceland

  1. top 1 Thjorsa River
  2. top 2 Jokulsa a Fjollum
  3. top 3 Skjalfandafljot River
  4. top 4 Jokulsa a Dal
  5. top 5 Blanda River
  6. top 6 Fnjoska River
  7. top 7 Kudafljot River
  8. top 8 Hvita River

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