It's quite improbable that a fox couldn't roll up a porcupine and reveal its backside. Due to the durability of their spines, mature porcupines are typically difficult for foxes to attack or kill. The porcupines would be adequately shielded from the fox by the spikes. But it is noteworthy that foxes' bellies are where foxes most frequently find porcupine remnants. Maybe the majority of porcupines that foxes consume had already passed away from natural causes or were killed by a more clever predator. Foxes are renowned for their scavenging habits, and they would gladly eat anything that a larger predator leaves behind, including deer. In actuality, foxes have discovered that scavenging is simpler since it allows them to use less energy.
Foxes are carnivorous creatures who are frequently viewed as slothful. This predator of porcupines is skilled hunters because they mostly consume "dying fauna" rather than are inclined to attack. Given their large population and proximity to cities, foxes have easy access to the trash as food. This indicates to a fox that it doesn't need to go hunting to feel satisfied. Because of this, even if they have the ability, foxes will rarely assault porcupines. But, a permanent fox presence in the habitat of porcupines will not be good news at all for the porcupines because foxes tend to adapt quite well to any habitation.
This doesn't imply that a fox couldn't kill a porcupine if it wants to, and there are a few ways they can achieve so. First of all, a young porcupine will be more likely to be chosen than an adult. Juvenile hedgehogs are significantly simpler to uncurl than adult hedgehogs because they have softer spines and weaker curling muscles. A fox may also disable a porcupine before killing it. There is a good possibility that the fox will catch the porcupine by the leg if it chooses to flee rather than curl up, this prevents it from curling up and defending itself.