A creature is known as a mongoose attacks all types of unusual prey in India. Since it is common for a mongoose to target deadly snakes like cobras, they have evolved a variety of ingenious strategies to approach prey that employs various protective mechanisms. They defeat cobras very quickly, just to give you an idea, so it comes as no surprise that these tenacious tiny critters manage to get past the porcupine's prickly defense. At least one species of a porcupine, the Indian porcupine, is known to be preyed upon by Indian gray mongooses.
They may use their favored mode of assault as akin to breaking an egg: they pick up the target prey with their forearms and throw it at a hard object to break the shell. Another impact of this approach is to shock or harm the target until the porcupine uncurls as a result of the pain. As soon as this occurs, a mongoose attacks the soft area and swiftly consumes the porcupines. The juvenile hedgehogs frequently become prey to these predators, even though adult hedgehogs can occasionally defend themselves.