Because weasel's nutrition changes throughout the year. Weasel become is a hunter, a vicious carnivores. Weasels will attack creatures as large as rabbits, and they will completely consume the neck of a turkey. The weasel will consume rats and any other food that doesn't need a lot of energy to acquire when prey is abundant and diverse in the spring. Weasels must look for burrows to find rodents like porcupines since there are fewer eggs, frogs, and fish in the winter. To stay warm and healthy in the winter, weasels need to eat a lot. They can eat through almost anything else with their powerful, pointed teeth. Porcupines and weasels don't often get along, and in the wild, they can engage in brutal combat.
A weasel became is one of the most well-known and effective porcupine predators. These creatures are not large, they are just slightly larger than porcupines. Despite this, through time they have grown to have a preference for porcupines, particularly in New Zealand where these spiky balls are the principal food source for weasels. They have mastered particular methods that enable them to capture a porcupine and consume its soft sections without suffering from the discomfort that can be brought on by spikes. Weasels are thus one of the most frequent predators of porcupines worldwide, despite the tiny size difference.