"Freezing" is a sci-fi action anime set in a world where humanity is constantly threatened by extraterrestrial creatures known as Nova. There are unique female warriors called Pandoras and their male partners called Limiters to fight these aliens. They get training to battle the Nova.
The story is about Kazuya Aoi, a young guy who becomes a Limiter and goes to a school called West Genetics Academy, where Pandoras and Limiters are trained. There, he meets Satellizer el Bridget, a skilled Pandora who doesn't want a Limiter. But Kazuya partners with her, working together to fight the Nova.
"Freezing" is about the relationships between Pandoras and Limiters and their battles against the Nova. These fights need teamwork and strategies. The anime also explores the personal problems and pasts of the characters.
The anime has some sexy and suggestive parts, with characters wearing revealing outfits and scenes that imply romantic stuff. This is a big part of the show. "Freezing" also talks about themes like competition, making up for mistakes, and how characters change and grow as they deal with their fears and problems.
Detailed information:
- Directed by: Takashi Watanabe
- Released: January 8, 2011 – April 7, 2011
- Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Harem, Drama, Romance, Ecchi
- Link to watch: