High School DxD
"High School DxD" is an action harem anime series that follows the life of Issei Hyoudou, a high school student who gets an unexpected second chance at life. The story begins when Issei, a perverted and socially awkward young man, is killed by a fallen angel on a date. But instead of staying dead, he returns to life because a beautiful devil named Rias Gremory brings him back. Issei becomes Rias's helper in the devil's world.
Issei has to adjust to being a devil and deal with supernatural creatures like angels, fallen angels, and demons. He joins a club at Kuoh Academy called the Occult Research Club, where Rias is the leader. Issei discovers that Rias and her club members are also devils with unique powers, and he gets involved in their fights and adventures.
As the story goes on, Issei develops his special powers and gets into battles with other supernatural beings. At the same time, he forms close relationships with the girls in the Occult Research Club, and they all have feelings for him. These romantic and comedic elements are significant to the anime's appeal.
"High School DxD" is known for its mix of supernatural battles, adult humor, and a guy surrounded by girls. But it also explores themes like loyalty, friendship, and personal growth as Issei and his friends face different challenges and enemies.
Detailed information:
- Directed by: Yanagisawa Tetsuya
- Released: January 6, 2012 – March 23, 2012
- Genre: Ecchi, Harem, Supernatural, Comedy, Action, Romance
- Link to watch: https://www.hulu.com/series/high-school-dxd-4b0f2a36-db9e-4820-b39d-80b8e14f7ffc