High School of the Dead
"High School of the Dead" is a horror anime set in modern-day Japan. The story starts when a weird and deadly disease turns people into zombies. The series primarily follows a group of high school students and their school nurse as they struggle to survive in a world overrun by the living dead.
The anime is mostly about how this group tries to stay alive, find safe places, and protect each other. They have to deal with both zombies and other people who can be dangerous. While on this journey, they run into many difficult situations and must make tough choices in a world that's gone crazy.
"High School of the Dead" is famous for its intense action scenes, bloody parts, and parts that are meant to be sexy. It mixes violent and scary moments with suggestive content, which some people might not like.
One thing to know is that "High School of the Dead" only has one season, and the manga it's based on was left unfinished because the author passed away. That means the anime has no clear ending, leaving the story incomplete.
Detailed information:
- Directed by: Tetsurō Araki
- Released: July 5, 2010 – September 20, 2010
- Genre: Fantasy, Harem, Comedy, Supernatural, Action
- Link to watch: https://www.hulu.com/series/high-school-of-the-dead-333e890d-7e4a-4227-aaf9-7a6d13faa586