
Garlic is widely known for its cardiovascular and circulatory benefits. Garlic, notably its sulfur components, which include allicin, has been shown in studies to enhance tissue blood flow and reduce blood pressure by relaxing your blood vessels.

In fact, garlic-rich diets are related to improved flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD), a measure of blood flow efficiency. In a three-month trial of 42 persons with coronary artery disease, those who took garlic powder tablets with 1,200 mg of allicin twice daily for three months saw a 50% increase in blood flow via the upper arm artery compared to a placebo group.


Top 10 Best Foods to Increase Blood Flow and Circulation

  1. top 1 Cayenne Pepper
  2. top 2 Pomegranate
  3. top 3 Cinnamon
  4. top 4 Garlic
  5. top 5 Fatty Fish
  6. top 6 Beets
  7. top 7 Turmeric or Onion
  8. top 8 Leafy Greens
  9. top 9 Citrus Fruits
  10. top 10 Walnuts or Tomatoes

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