Walnuts or Tomatoes

Walnuts contain several beneficial components, including l-arginine, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), and vitamin E, all of which boost the generation of nitric oxide. Eating walnuts may lower blood pressure, enhance blood vessel function, and reduce inflammation, which may be especially beneficial for diabetics. Diabetes patients frequently experience circulation problems and high blood pressure as a result of blood vessel damage induced by excessive blood sugar levels. A study of 24 persons with diabetes found that eating 2 ounces (56 grams) of walnuts per day for eight weeks improved blood flow much more than a control group.

Tomatoes may help lower angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity, which causes blood vessels to contract in order to manage blood pressure. Tomato extract, according to research, acts similarly to ACE-inhibiting medicines, opening up your blood vessels and boosting blood flow. Tomato extract has been shown in animal experiments to suppress ACE, decrease inflammation, and disrupt platelet aggregation, all of which can improve circulation.


Top 10 Best Foods to Increase Blood Flow and Circulation

  1. top 1 Cayenne Pepper
  2. top 2 Pomegranate
  3. top 3 Cinnamon
  4. top 4 Garlic
  5. top 5 Fatty Fish
  6. top 6 Beets
  7. top 7 Turmeric or Onion
  8. top 8 Leafy Greens
  9. top 9 Citrus Fruits
  10. top 10 Walnuts or Tomatoes

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