Created by Hideaki Sorachi, "Gintama" is a popular and long-running anime. It is renowned for its unique blend of comedy, action, and satire and is often hailed for its "ridiculously funny" moments.
"Gintama" is set in an alternate-history Edo period, where Japan has been invaded and taken over by aliens known as the Amanto. Despite this historical upheaval, the story centers around Gintoki Sakata, a lazy and eccentric samurai who runs an odd-jobs business called the Yorozuya. Gintoki, along with his companions Shinpachi Shimura and Kagura, take on a variety of odd and often bizarre tasks for clients, ranging from finding lost cats to saving the world.
The humor in "Gintama" is a standout feature of the series. It is known for its absurd and slapstick comedy, witty parodies of other anime and pop culture, and anachronistic humor that blends the Edo period setting with modern references. The series often breaks the fourth wall, with characters acknowledging that they are in a fictional world, and it doesn't shy away from poking fun at itself or the anime industry as a whole.
Despite its comedic focus, "Gintama" also incorporates intense action sequences. Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Kagura are all skilled fighters, and they often find themselves embroiled in battles against various adversaries, including rogue samurai, aliens, and powerful factions.
Directed by: Shinji Takamatsu, Yoichi Fujita
Air dates: April 4, 2006
IMDb rating: 8.7