Kaguya-sama: Love is War
"Kaguya-sama: Love is War" (Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai) is a popular romantic comedy anime. The story is known for its clever and humorous take on the battle of wits between two high school student council members who are in love with each other but refuse to confess their feelings. The series explores themes of love, pride, and vulnerability in a comedic and light-hearted manner. It often pokes fun at the characters' over-the-top antics and their inability to be honest about their feelings, even though it's obvious to everyone around them.
The story is set in Shuchiin Academy, an elite high school known for producing future leaders of society. The two main characters are:
- Kaguya Shinomiya: She is the vice president of the student council and comes from a wealthy and prestigious family. Kaguya is intelligent, composed, and highly respected. She is in love with the student council president, Miyuki Shirogane.
- Miyuki Shirogane: He is the president of the student council and is known for his exceptional grades and leadership skills. Miyuki also has strong feelings for Kaguya but is too proud to confess his love.
The central premise of the series revolves around their elaborate schemes to make the other person confess their feelings first. Both Kaguya and Miyuki are stubborn and refuse to be the one to confess, believing that whoever does so will be seen as weak and in a position of disadvantage in their relationship. This leads to a series of hilarious mind games, strategies, and manipulations as they try to outwit each other into confessing.
Directed by: Mamoru Hatakeyama
Air dates: January 12, 2019
IMDb rating: 8.5