Gokinjo Monogatari
The next name on the list of the best animes about fashion of all time is "Gokinjo Monogatari", a delightful and character-driven anime and manga series created by Ai Yazawa, the same mangaka behind "Nana." It offers a charming exploration of the lives and relationships of a group of young residents living in an apartment complex.
The story revolves around Mikako Kouda and Tsutomu Yamaguchi, two childhood friends and aspiring fashion designers who attend Yazawa Art School. As they pursue their dreams of success in the fashion industry, they become entangled in a web of friendships, rivalries, and romantic entanglements with their neighbors and classmates.
The series is known for its endearing characters and its portrayal of the ups and downs of young adulthood. It explores themes of creativity, ambition, and the pursuit of one's passions. "Gokinjo Monogatari" also provides a unique and nostalgic look at the fashion trends of the 1990s.
For fans of slice-of-life anime with a focus on personal growth, creativity, and the complexities of relationships, "Gokinjo Monogatari" offers a heartwarming and relatable story that celebrates the journey of its characters as they navigate the challenges of life and love.
Studios: Toei Animation
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Theme: Visual Arts
Demographic: Shoujo