"Kuragehime", also known as "Princess Jellyfish," is an anime and manga series that explores the world of fashion through the eyes of a group of eccentric and socially awkward female otaku. The series emphasizes individuality and self-expression in the realm of fashion.
The story revolves around Tsukimi Kurashita and her group of "Amars," a group of women who are passionate about their various otaku interests, from jellyfish to old-school anime. Despite their quirks and insecurities, the Amars gradually find themselves involved in the fashion industry. Tsukimi's encounters with the fashionable and stylish Kuranosuke Koibuchi lead to a transformation in her and the other Amars' lives.
Fashion becomes a powerful tool for self-discovery and empowerment for the characters. Kuranosuke introduces them to the world of high fashion, and as they embrace their newfound interests, they start to experiment with clothing and makeup. This transformation is both comical and heartwarming, emphasizing the importance of embracing one's unique style and interests.
Studios: Brain's Base
Genre: Comedy
Themes: Crossdressing, Visual Arts
Demographic: Josei