Lastly, "Urahara" is an anime series and manga that blends elements of urban fantasy, fashion, and coming-of-age themes. Originally a serialized manga created by Patrick Macias, Mugi Tanaka, and Kendi Oiwa, it was later adapted into an anime series in 2017.
The anime revolves around three teenage girls, Rito, Mari, and Kotoko, who operate a trendy fashion boutique in Harajuku, Tokyo. Their lives take a fantastical turn when mysterious creatures known as "Scoopers" arrive and begin stealing people's creativity. The trio discovers they possess unique powers that enable them to combat the Scoopers.
"Urahara" explores themes of creativity, friendship, and individuality as the girls navigate a world filled with colorful and imaginative visuals. The show's distinctive art style and quirky characters reflect the vibrant and ever-evolving Harajuku fashion scene. With its blend of whimsical storytelling and youthful energy, "Urahara" offers a unique take on the list of the best animes about fashion.
Studios: Shirogumi, EMT Squared
Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Themes: Mahou Shoujo, Psychological